Hello from Canada Topsie, and thanks for making your design available. Open source helps to empower people! A couple of questions for you; in one of your videos, building the Heavy Version I think - you remove v groove nylon bearings when taking the 1st machine apart, When building the new version you use nylon bearings with a flat surface. I'm just sourcing all of the parts now. For Aluminum profiles should I acquire V-groove or will T-groove work? Should those nylon bearings be V-groove or flat like a conventional 3D printer? I've started printing parts and am looking forward to getting this project actually working.... đone day.
Bonjour, je suis en CorĂ©e. Je ne parle pas français, mais je suis en train de crĂ©er un CNC. J'ai une question. Je ne sais pas comment connecter 3 NEMA 23, 1 NEMA17, Driver, Power Supply et arduino uno. Je sais que vous ĂȘtes occupĂ©, mais je vous serais reconnaissant si vous pouviez faire une vidĂ©o.
Topsie all ready made this kind of video about how to connect 3 NEMA 23 and 1 NEMA17, below you will find the link.
@Olisva thank you very much.!!!
I have made a version TopsCNC Heavy 23 with Linear Glet bearing. You have visited my Youtube channel. I have posted the links to my project in the forum, but my post is not shown. Is it not intentional to post such things?
@Roy Alder : I just use some new nylon wheel I had, but no difference flat or V Grooved
@kamibal : No it's not normal, i'm happy when guys post their project here, i will correct this bug !
was my mistake. I didn't make a title, hence the problems. On my old monitor I did not see the Fine Light Grey Field.
I made it new, but I still cannot insert pictures
salut Topsie et encore un grand bravo pour ces machines super bien faites
je suis le c... entre deux chaises car je n'arrive pas a me décider sur le modÚle a construire TopsCNC ou TopsCNC heavy
je dois construire une machine 1000*1000 bon travailler le bois pexi voir un peu l'alu , dâoĂč ma question :
que me conseille tu comme machin TopCNC ou la heavy ??????
Pour cette taille peut importe le travail je te recommande quand mĂȘme la Heavy
OK merci pour cette réponse rapide
la heavy me pare ĂȘtre beaucoup plus haute par rapport a la table que la TopsCNC
peut on arrive jusqu'au plateau avec la heavy je n'arrive pas a me faire une idee