Hi Topsy
Thank you for your great contrubution to the maker community!!
Can you tell me wath the difference between these tree files is:
and wich one i should use.
i am upgrading CNC Heavy Nema 17.
using T14 rods and the Nema 23 set from steppers online.
Pleace advise.
PS: Love my Nema 17 version, and are eager to upgrade to the Nema 23 version,
But im afraid i already have printet some wrong files!
Hi Topsy
I have been following the forum for about a month now. I am greatly impressed with the design of your machine and the professionalism of the forum. it must be extremely hard work.
I have completed the printing of the parts in PLA, ordered all my hardware from the sources that you have supplied, most items have arrived and I am waiting on the aluminium profile once they are here I can start the build.
I am a complete novice when it comes to CNC so I need to ask what software programs do I need to be able to take drawings or stl files and produce a final outcome using the CNC router. eg when 3d printing I use tinkercad to produce my stl file and then Cura to slice and produce a Gcode file which I then put on a sd card and place in my 3D print machine. What are the equivalent programs and steps that I need to produce say a" nameplate for a House" on You router?
many thanks Kelvin
@Itzy Dog I think many (including @Topsie) use Fusion 360 as a one-stop solution. I never used it myself but I think it covers all the steps - maybe not the last step where you control the CNC but others can clarify if Fusion also covers this.
Topsie has a Fusion 360 intro video. Check it out.
I also need to learn more on the software side soon. I would prefer open source solutions. I know Fusion is free for the most part but I don't want to be the "slave" of a company. If they want to shut it down or change it or charge for it, I have to do what they want me to do. That's why I stopped using Apple products. It was their way or the highway.
Can somebody recommend Open Source software for the CNC cycle from modelling to router simuation to gcode to CNC control..? I think I will use Blender for modelling.
I basically have all the screws Topsie lists in his BOM. Still, all my screws are fully threaded. Is this a problem? Especially with the rollers (wheels) - does it matter if the screws you use as roller-axle are fully threaded or not? Will threads destroy the roller-bearing or something?
Would it make sense to collect all the info from this thread into a FAQ? Where would one host this FAQ? Maybe Topsie on https://createforcuriosity.com ?
The reason for a FAQ is, that the thread contains a lot of duplicate or uninteresting info. One has to go through ALL the pages to find a tiny info. For example I knew the size of the aluminium profiles for the dragchain...but now I am not sure anymore. Was it 15x15mm or 20x20mm? I need to go through all of the thread. A FAQ would help immensely for people to find this info quickly and not post the same question again and again.
What do you guys think?
@shoe: The fully threaded screw isn't in my opinion a "problem". The bearing of the wheels are made to turn under friction and will likely not cause damage to it. But to the spacers, who are made in PLA, I can't tell if it will cause troubles or not, but I think the best to do is to made the CNC with the screws you already have, and after a few hours of use, you dissassembly one of the screws to check the spacers and wheels. :)
The aluminium for dragchain can be in L-shape: 10*10mm, 16*16mm and max size is 20*20mm (but i think 16*16 is recommended). I have found some U profiles in a old garage who are like 20mm height and 40mm width. They fit perfectly.
FYI: good source for stepper motors: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000274825023.html
Fast shipping from Spain. Aliexpress often has special discount days and coupons (e.g. recently $6 off of an $50 order)
Bonjour, quelle fraise utiliser pour créé les v-slot dans un profile Alu. Donner moi un lien si possible svp merci.
I already have 5 of these steppers:https://www.openimpulse.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/downloadables/42BYGHW609-Stepper-Motor-Datasheet1.pdf
Can I use them for the V1 or HEAVY? Or too weak with 40Ncm?
Hi Topsie! THis looks like the BEST DIY CNC ever, but I'm very confused as to what parts are the LATEST version. There are huge differences between the files on Thingiverse and here. Can you please put a link to the Latest files and instructions?
Also, What Router bit did you use to Bevel the Rails?