I have invited you. Check your mail's
Thank you very much Kamil, it works, I have downloaded your project.
Hi Kamil great adapt:)
I have few questions
You have two files on thingverse,is that shims for bottom and top?
Does the shims are essential in Your project,or is it just an add on to change pressure of wheels to the profiles (changebale thickness,so everybody can adjust it??)
I have t8 lead screw,Does the position of holes for the bolts in printed cube (for t8 leadscrew ) changes ,or is the same as for tops cnc heavy?? I want to adapt your files for tops cnc heavy .whole cart/trolley and want to leave nema17 and makita router...
And could i get access to step files? My email grabowskiw99.at.gmail.com
It's a spacer and everyone has to adjust that. In my drawing are two versions. One of them is for t8
Nie jestem pewien czy dobrze zrozumialem. Napisz po polsku.
You are invited
Chodzilo mi o te podkladki ,z przodu od spodu i z tylu od spodu ,one maja 5 mm...W poprzedniej wersji oryginalnej topscnc heavy (byla tylko jedna) ,Do czego one służą.W oryginale nie byly potrzebne-raczej zbedne...(chyba ze wyedytyje sie je w fusionie-grubosc,aby wyregulowac docisk kolek na profil?) Yes you understood good:) .Thank You very much for the fusion file
Te dokladki sa do regulowania nacisku. Zobacz sobie na rysunku. Ja je wydrukowalem w kilku wariantach i wsadzilem pasujace.
Jezeli masz Makita to odpowiednie trzymadlo tez zrobilem.
Hello @kamil great work.
Is it still possible to get the fusion 360 files. If so here is my email :
felix.mart(at)orange.fr Thank you
You are Welcome
thank you very much for your work and also for your reactivity
@Kamil,dopiero teraz mam czas zeby odpisac i zaczac skladac na gotowo,dzieki ci jeszcze raz za twoja prace:) bardzo,powiedz mi prosze dokladnosci jakich mozna sie spodziewac,chce sprobowac roboci intarsje,inlay.Myslisz ze da rade??