I have my entire CNC built and assembled. I am using the Heavy version, not the NEMA 23 version. I am able to move the motors just fine with the CNCjs software, and I've checked all of my parameters. I used a voltmeter and measured power input from the wall all the way into the Arduino, everything seems normal. However, while I was testing I noticed that the Motors were getting unusually hot, even when not moving. I ended up using a laser to measure the heat and it got up to almost 140 Fahrenheit (60C)!! I tried adjusting the motor driver POTs (the little screw thing on the drivers), which resulted in the motor jittering, so I am out of ideas.
hey mate, The motors can get up to100C with no issue, The biggest problem i have found is the fact that at 70 to 80 the 3d print will warp. All you need to do if you are worried, is add a 40mm 12V fan and wire that into your system. This will Help with the cooling (You can just superglue it onto the back of your cnc) This has helped considerably with my X axis temp it no longer goes above 50C
Yep the Heat of Nema23 is a common problem, I reduce a lot the AMP to reduce the heat of my motors under 60°C, Put a cooling fan on is a good solution
Thank you so much for the input!
How do you go about adjusting amperage, is that through the CNCjs Software? I will work on mounting cooling fans for the motors as well.
thanks again
These are also the NEMA 17 motors