What type of Rollers does Topsie use? I think he switched from the standard V-Slot Rollers to the Rollers with the special V-Shaped profile, correct?
Where are the advantages of the V-Shape?
Can I mix normal Rollers and V-Profile Rollers on the same CNC?
@cheap: I'm doing mine with the standard V-Slot rollers, i think they are both compatible.
@PETER DONOVAN did you redesign some parts for the endstop?
Looking forward to the endstop-STLS ;)
Btw, does anybody know why @Topsie has placed the Y-Steppermotors at the front? Cable-length and management would be much shorter and cleaner when the Y-Steppermotors were at the back and the X-Steppermotor at the left. What is the advantage of the front/right motor placement?
No advantage to put it front, I did it like this to be easier for me to mount / unmount motors. in my small workshop my CNC is against a wall corner, and it's boring to move all the CNC table to manage motors.
You can put it in back if you want ! :)
Cheap it will probably be in about 2 weeks waiting on a few parts.
@Topsie: you wrote at the beginning of the post:
> The main problem today is the 2x Y axis rails, they are a bit to weaks and got some (very small) rigidity issues.
> I will probably design Y axis feets with a C shaped rails like on X axis.
> I notice this problem with the Nema23 version, Nema17 does not have the power to put Y axis in rigidity issue
Are you talking about the Heavy design or the V1? I also don't understand really what you are talking about. What are "Y axis feets with a C shaped rails"?