I just completed my New topsCNC machine and I am very happy about it. Thanks for your great work on it. I must tell you that even though I have a lot of experience with 3d printing this is my first CNC ever.
Below I send you some photos
Now I checked the wiring and everything should be fine, also I set my DRV8825 drivers to 0.6V.
Now I make my settings at CNCjs as you showed and nothing really works. CNCjs holds my settings for a while and even though there is some movement I get alarms and I only got to get real precise movement on Z. I am guessing its my Chinese Arduino. I also tried CNC3D but I also get alarms. Any guessing on what could be or should I start by changing the Arduino and move from there?
Thanks in advance and again thanks for your Great work
Hello, i dont really understand your problem, can you make a video ?
I just got my new arduino but I continue to have non repeatable problems, for example motor moving mostly but not always to one direction getting the same errors as before but not always, sometimes I get movement but not the expected movement. I guess I messed up my GRBL shield as well. I did not mention that I messed up with the power originally and put + to -
Now I will make tat video once I plug in my new grbl and still have issued so that I will not spend your time without meaning.
Meanwhile I have nema 17 motors and my settings are the following:
$100=3200 (drv8825 with 2mm pitch and lead 2mm T8 lead screw pitch)
$101=3200 (drv8825 with 2mm pitch and lead 2mm T8 lead screw pitch)
$102=3200 (drv8825 with 2mm pitch and lead 8mm T8 lead screw pitch on gt2 200 mm belt )
$130=300 (Should be 380 as this is my area but I put it lower just to keep safe for the beginning)
$131=500 (Should be 580 as this is my area but I put it lower just to keep safe for the beginning)
$132=80 (Should be 98 as this is my area but I put it lower just to keep safe for the beginning)
Do you sew anything I should change?
Again thanks a lot for your help and i will get back once I get my GRBL shield back(which should take a while)
first, is it normal you have same step/mm for a 2mm leadscrew (XY) and 8mm lead screw (Z) ?
Which microstepping did you choose on your DRV8825 ?
Maybe you have a too high micro stepping so you 8bit arduino can calculate as fast as the machine move, this can cause this kind of problem.
Second possibility, your drivers voltage are not correctly setup, so you driver get high temperature and stop to work to cooldown (temperature protection)