Hi everyone, Salut à tous,
Now that my project is completed, I wanted to bring my contribution to this great community by sharing my Fusion 360 file.
I designed most of the parts myself to fit my own needs, and also because I loved the process of creation on F360 and the sentiment of 'I did it!' :)
Some parts, though, especially on the Z axis, come directly from Topsie's design (many thanks to him) - they are in pink in the project so easy to identify.
Hope this will be helpful for some of you, don't hesitate to share your feedback!
looks great, but why did you split it in two Parts? And why don't you change the net into a body?
and you will have the same problem as everyone else with TopsCNC... You have to make a suspension here.
I am currently printing this. It has a ball bearing with a lock (like on the Z-axle). Otherwise I have the same problem as in my video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKBJwoy3sqM&t=235s The last few minutes would be interesting for you... It's in German, but you see what I mean. Either the buffers come apart or the stepper motor goes out of order.
So... The video is minute 23 to minute 25 what I mean...
And what is that? You lose 15mm and the stability is no longer there... The Z-axis is quite unstable anyway. You make it even weaker. Better make a body out of the net and adjust it.
Thanks Kami for your feedback
- the feet: I know it's not ideal, I did this to have brim around the feet when printing to avoid warping. I'm planning to reprint the feet in one piece, I found a way to avoid warping.
- Interestingly I don't have the motor issue, but I'll definitely look at your video and approach
- I created that part because my steel bars were too short. I've see your solution and I'm planning to do something similar in the future.
You'll get the engine problem later. If you have used the milling machine a lot. At the beginning it's not a problem. Here Topsie describes how and why. https://youtu.be/whQ-xNS8tDQ
I'm making a video on my part, coming soon. My solution is minimalistic. I wanted to lose as little space as possible. My milling machine is very small.
great, looking forward to seeing that. I also look for a solution that maximizes the work area.
by the way, have you seen this?
Here is a video of how I solved the problem.