Hi i am getting not perfect circle ,and i don't know why,could somebody explain why is it like this?
Feed rate 2700 ,plunge 1000 ,20k rpmmatetial plexiglass 8 mm o flute bit for plexiglas,0.5 mm ,17 passes
many cause:
- is your cnc perfectly square ?
- have you printed this : https://createforcuriosity.com/fr/design/rEMrG8nl/details
- did you have any play in X or Y ?
can you post some photos or video ?
0.5 mm difference on 1500 mm long,yes i use it with modification,
By play what do you mean?
0.5mm on 1500mm, it can be caused by a play between the leadscrew and the T8 nut
So what kind of best precision for hardwood i can get with topsie cnc heavy cnc ??